Antwerp is Dirk's hometown where he lived till he was 12. With all the travel restrictions due to Corona and a still unsure future, we decided to start doing some citytrips in Belgium with our eBikes. Dirk's mother is still living near Antwerp so we had free lodging for this 2 day trip.
The pictures in the banner are taken inside the Antwerp railway station, built in 1905 and according Lonely Planet one of the five most beautiful train stations in the world.

Like all bigger cities, you can spend several days in Antwerp without getting bored. Certainly when you want to visit some musea, there is a big choice like the Rubens house (famous painter), The Museum Plantin-Moretus (printing in the 16th century), the Red Star museum (migration to the US with the Red Star shipping line) or the Middelheim Museum (Open air sculptures park).
While everyone know fries as French fries, their origins come from Belgium going back to the 16th century. The most well-known fries shop in Antwerp is Frituur Number 1 which used to be open 24hours a day. It's located a few steps from the main square.
Also on the main square, you find Cafe Den Engel which opened in 1903. It's located in a building going back to the 14th century. After the local council, members of the council usually came (and some still do) to this pub for a beer. The Antwerp beer to drink is a "bolleke" De Koninck, a light brownish beer from the local brewery De Koninck (since 1833).
Another good option is bar/restaurant the Pelgrom in the Pelgrimstraat where you go down in the old cellars to have your beer and food with candlelight.